Sunday, November 23, 2008

Attitude of Gratitude

This past week we were invited to join the Relief Society for their Enrichment night. They fed us a yummy potato bar and then we were all blessed to hear Brecklyn speak and share her story about losing her leg. We were in awe as she spoke about the journey of this trial that taught her who she truly was and why she was here. She shared her amazing testimony with us about her relationship with our Savior and Heavenly Father. It was a wonderful night.

Which leads me to my thoughts of this upcoming week.....Thanksgiving! As I ponder the things I am most grateful for....high on the top of my list is all of you sweet Young Women. I am blown away at what you have meant in my life in these short 4 months that we have been together. You are true Christ-like examples to me, and for that I am grateful. You lighten all of our lives as we meet each week. You're awesome! Being the only girl in my family, I never had a sister. How grateful I am that Heavenly Father just sent me 30 of you...."Little Sisters!" I'm grateful to all of the leaders that serve with me. What amazing women they are! We are so lucky to live in this ward, to be surrounded by so many good people.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday....We will miss getting together this week, but look forward to seeing the lights next week. Happy Thanksgiving.....Loves to all!

Sis. Burke

Friday, November 14, 2008

Young Women in Excellence

This last Wednesday, November 12, we had our Young Women in Excellence Program. Our theme for the night was "S.T.A.R. - Stand for Truth and Righteousness." We talked about how each of us has the Light of Christ in our lives and as we work on our Personal Progress, we gain a greater testimony of the Savior, and can share that light with others. All of the Young Women who earned their medallions in the last few months, shared some of their experiences along with their testimonies. It was wonderful! The leaders made necklaces for each of the girls along with our scripture for the night - 3Nephi 18:24, to remind each of them to hold up their light and follow the example the Savior had set for them. We finished the night off sharing all of the girls displays of talents and things they are working on this year with our Parents, Bishopric and Stake Leaders. Sugar cookies sprinkled with all of the value colors and punch were served! It definitely was an evening filled with Excellence. Our Young Women are awesome and we learn so much from them each week. There is great talent among our group! Thank you to all who came and supported us and to all who participated in the program. It couldn't have been better!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Popperini 3000's

This last Wednesday we all joined the Beehives in their monthly cooking class. Thanks to Sis. George for hosting and teaching us how to make a yummy "no name" treat that the girls so intelligently named "Popperini 3000!" Not sure how that came about, but we all thought it was hilarious! They wrote the recipe down on really cute cards and we all sat around "pigging out" and talking. It was a really fun night being together! (I decided to give them all a break from being in the light of the camera at EVERY activity, so unfortunately, there aren't any pics. of our fun, Pig Out session!) Thanks to all of the leaders and girls!
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Also, I neglected to mention a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Megan and Mccall for earning their Young Women Medallions. They are a great example to the rest of us and we know they put in a lot of hard work and dedication to reach this tremendous goal. We are so proud of you both. Because they earned it quite early, they will be on our Personal Progress Committee and will help plan and follow through on the Personal Progress activities each month, in order to stay involved and help the other girls reach this point also! WAY TO GO MEGAN AND MCCALL!! We love you!