Thursday, May 28, 2009

Purple Personal Progress

We had our monthly personal progress activity and it was a very purple night! The value we worked on was Integrity, whose color is purple! We all came in as much purple as we owned, hoping to win the prize! (Will we ever forget that Sister Burke's dress was so perfectly purple??!!) We had a great night prepared by Sister Sessions! She invited some very special ladies in our ward to come and talk to us about Integrity: Sister Ellen Hackbarth and Sister Amy Spalding. How we love these sisters and how thankful we are that they came and spoke to us. The night ended with awards for the person dressed in the most purple and a treat: Fudge Pops! YUM!

We want you girls to know that we as your leaders love the Personal Progress program and that we all testify that it will strengthen you and prepare you for your life. You are such special girls and we love being with you!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oh Baby!!!

Sis. McDougal had her baby boy!! So......we wanted to do something fun for her! We collected some cute baby items and made her a diaper cake! It turned out adorable....if we do say so ourselves!(Can you tell they love it when I pull out the camera!)

Alyssa had an "Ah-ha" moment when she finally realized what a diaper cake was all about.....and it got even better when she realized that the diapers would actually be used!! AWESOME!We also made a bag for each of her other little ones, so they would have something fun. There were treats, bubbles and drinks for each for when mom needs to be with the baby! Thanks for the yummy cookies Sis. Wilde!
Congrats Sis. McDougal.....we can't wait to meet your little guy!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Beehive Activity...

Again no picture. Sorry, cute girls. (Will somebody please text me next time and remind to bring my camera??) Anyways, after we passed out the fliers for the ward party, we drove to Ross for our activity. The girls split into two teams and then had to find 2 modest outfits and keep it under $30. One outfit had to be for school and the other for church AND they had to do it all in 15 minutes. It was a ton of fun to show off the outfits at the end. Ross is such a crazy store and we found all kinds of very interesting items there. But, in the end the girls chose great outfits and proved they are very savy shoppers. We all got a kick out of the purple zebra pants one team found.......Wahoo! We finished the night with yummy treats from Sonic! Sure love you girls...... :)

Class Activities!!

This week we had our Individual class activities! They turned out great!

LAURELS - After running around the neighborhood handing out flyers for the ward Picnic this Saturday, we went back to Sis. Wilde's house where we learned how to take care of our toes!! Sis. Burke quickly became the example of "what not to do!" But she is greatful to help these girls learn anyway that she can! :) Sis. Wilde painted us up all cute and then added some fancy glitter! We looked great, if we do say so ourselves! Of course we had snacks and plenty of conversation and good laughs to go along with our cute toes! It was awesome....thanks to those who came and especially to Sis. Wilde for opening her home to us and sharing her talents! (cell phone pics. again.....sorry!!)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Oh, what to be when we grow up........?

For our Combined YM/YW activity this week we were lucky to be able to go to the new hospital in Salt Lake. Bro. Morris is a PA and also works with Life Flight there. He gave us a tour of the Life Flight helicopter, and while we were learning about it, a call came through, so we were able to watch it take off! We watched a slide show about Life Flight, saw some pretty gruesome pics!!, and then went down to the ER and learned about what he does there in the Trauma Unit.
Unfortunately, the camera battery was dead and we weren't able to take any pics. But, we had an awesome time and many of the youth were talking about having similar jobs when they grow up! Some were turned off after learning how many years of school it takes! It will be fun to see who really ends up in the medical field!! Thanks for a great night and for taking the time to show us around, Bro. Morris! It was awesome!