Thursday, March 11, 2010

T.G.I.W. - Thank Goodness It's Wednesday!

Last night our Stake YW's Presidency held a Stake YW Activity night! It was really fun and got us in the spirit for our Pioneer Trek this summer. They started off the evening with our ward teaching all the others the primary song "Nephi's Courage." We tried to make it fun and exciting by having the girls hold signs with key words from the song on them. As we learned each verse we would take some of the words out. Each run through, we would watch the wards, and which ever one was singing and having the most fun each time, got to come up and pick a costume piece out of a bag and dress up Sis. Sisneros our Stake YW's Pres.!! The wards seemed to enjoy this. They were standing up and dancing while singing, and doing all kinds of crazy things to get picked! Sis. Sisneros was a good sport! She looked great by the time the song was learned!After our song, the Spanish Branch talked about greeting each other with a hug. Each of us then hugged the people surrounding us!Each of the other wards shared Pioneer Stories from the Martin and Willie Handcart Companies. When they were finished, the Stake had each of the YW's Presidents come up to the front. We were each given a sealed bag with something pink inside. We were instructed, that on the count of 3, we were to race and open the bag, get the pink shirt open, and put it on. Little did we know, the shirt was frozen stiff and we had to pull it apart and then wear it! I came in second to last.....mine definitely WAS frozen! However, we all worked hard and got them open and on! And boy.....was it cold!! They told how some of the conditions for the Pioneers were such that their clothes would get wet and then freeze on their bodies. This was a great activity to relate that to. The t-shirts said, "I'm going on Trek, Are you?" Very Clever idea!Next, we sat in a circle and bags with fudge ingredients were placed in each ward. For the next ten minutes, we passed the bag around while squishing it together. Working together, it made fudge.President Robb had us play a game of "Who Wants to Be a Trekonaire!" He had it set up just like the T.V. Show, where we had to answer questions about Trek! It was great!Afterwards, we all got a little plate of fudge! It was a really fun activity! We have amazing Stake Leaders and are grateful for the time they spend, helping us feel the spirit and getting to know one another as a Stake. It was Great!!

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